Chapter 10 is the first of three chapters discussing the prospects for EIA, and it focuses on current and emerging EIA impact areas. Until now, the book has discussed the EIA process as a whole: this chapter considers the cross-cutting dimension of the different types of impacts that an EIA might cover. The chapter starts with a brief discussion of the more traditional environmental topics: water; soils, land and geology; air; flora, fauna and biodiversity; noise; transport; landscape and visual. It then moves to traditional socio-economic impacts: economic, social and health. It then provides a more detailed look at topics that can be expected to evolve and be more actively considered in EIA over the next 10 years: equality/deprivation, culture and language; land acquisition, resettlement and livelihoods; climate change; ecosystem services; risk, resilience and cumulative impacts. In each case, some information is provided about main concepts and principles. For the emerging topics, examples from around the world are also provided.