This chapter proposes a specific cycle of resurrection-wish which is Prometheus Syndrome. In particular the attack on Prometheus's liver in the myth seems apt because so often it is the liver of the addict which is assaulted in drug addiction. The biological process of detoxification in the liver, where toxic substances are rendered harmless and prepared for discharge, might be said to have a psychological counterpart whereby the detoxification of noxious and toxic mentalizations might be discharged in the process of therapy. This therapeutic task might be said to be a sort of psychic dialysis, where the therapist acts as a detoxifying agent. The account of the death that Brian and his friends either heard or constructed was that the child had drowned when his hand had got stuck in the grill at the bottom of the deep end of pool. Clients need to be able to hold their therapist in mind away from the treatment unit or psychotherapy session.