When Colin Wilson died in December 2013, it was suggested by one obituary writer that, despite the seemingly diverse subject matter of his books, his legacy lay in the field of consciousness studies. This is undoubtedly true and in Super Consciousness Wilson, nearing the end of his creative life, decided to summarise his major ideas. Although first published in Japanese in 2007 as The Search for Power Consciousness, it was conceived twelve years earlier when the book “… took shape in 48 hours in the form of a 60-page outline …” (Wilson, 2009a, p. 6). For various reasons it was set aside although the outline was published in 2002 as part of the double e-book The Ladder of Selves and The Search for Power Consciousness with an introduction by Wilson scholar Chris Nelson. The full version was first published in English by Watkins Publishing in 2009, as a printed book and an e-book simultaneously.