In 1905, W.R. Bion left India, the country of his birth and early childhood, to arrive in England, aged eight years old. He only saw his mother a few times after this point, but his father came to live with him in London after her death. Bion lost his first wife during the birth of his daughter Parthenope in 1945. He remarried six years later and had two children by his second wife. Bion himself, probably the most original thinker since Freud, claims not to have formulated anything particularly original. To Bion, psychoanalysis is the work of seeking to stimulate psychic growth: it is also the soul's path to truth, wholeness, freedom, unity or "O". Bion's professional work can be divided as follows: groups; psychotic patients; and formulation of a meta-scientific frame of reference for psychoanalysis.