Theories, myths, symbols and concepts are used in therapy not because they are true, false or significant, but because they are part of a motion towards truth, when this movement is positive. When psychoanalysis or therapy is science, it is the science of this particular piece of reality. Hence psychoanalytical science is empirical and like all empirical science it has a theoretical life of its own, subject to the same demands as other empirical sciences. W.R. Bion calls the capacity for thought "Oedipus" in his first drafts of a theory of consciousness. "Oedipus" thus becomes the sign or symbol of a quest for thoughts to think about. The human body transforms and processes sensory impressions of touch, taste, sight and sound into products as diverse as food, music and mental images, but also into complex mental constructions and frameworks for action expressed into word, theories, laws, models, etc.