Most insiders, including higher-ups, often lack information about the present-day world. They might believe things that are no longer true (such as that certain abusers are alive and nearby), and they might not know how the world has changed since they were last out in the body. They might also believe things the group told them which were never true. Members of abuser groups keep secrets from the higher-ups, and your higher-ups have a right to know what has been hidden from them. Mind control programming works through lies and tricks perpetrated on children by sophisticated adults. Note that the perpetrator group who abused Sally and trained her insiders seems to have included people who identified themselves to her as the secret police of the Nazis (SS), Ku Klux Klan (KKK, including white knights), US army (GIs), and Luciferians (occult religion), and they all told her they were her Family.