Mind, one could say; is that which holds the network together. Many others, in different ways, have endorsed the reconnection of body and mind. The concept of man as machine, followed by that of mind as computer, for long guiding metaphors in science and cognitive science, are being challenged. The group of "enactive" neuroscientists such as the late Francisco Varela propose a similar understanding of embodiment and its inseparability from mind. The Buddhist attitude towards embodiment has traditionally been different from that of the West. Through mindfully observing the coming and going of the processes of embodiment, teachings of impermanence, selflessness and interdependence can be realised directly. The difference between embodying an idea and thinking rests in a presence of attention, rather than in completeness of knowledge. It results in an embodied groundedness which finds steadiness and certainty from a way of being rather than from any beliefs and theories.