Initial contact is often made by phone, and usually made by a parent. This is the first step in the assessment process. For the clinician, this is a time of little 'memory or desire', a period of first impressions. If one is open to receive these impressions, a great deal can be learnt. The making of a phone call about a child's emotional and/or behavioural difficulties, for a parent, can be the end result of weeks, months, or even years of worry. Starting with conception, the parents are asked what was life like for them at the time the mother fell pregnant. Questions about the health and psychological state of the mother during the pregnancy may also provide information about the child's early experiences. From a Kleinian perspective, the earliest feeding relationship is a significant area of investigation. Weaning warrants detailed enquiry (Blake 1988). It is the first transition period after the birth that confronts the nursing couple.