The most desired change in most young men with Asperger's Syndrome is that they want—but cannot get—a girlfriend. Chatting is also a skill, and there may be a certain inhibition in chatting to a woman who may or may not turn into a girlfriend. Probably people with Asperger's have already experienced an inability and felt that they were left aside, not considered in the great mating game, before they even leave school. Parents have to allow this to happen—if it is going to happen, then they will not able to stop it, so the best thing is to move into an advisory position as soon as possible, whilst maintaining whatever boundaries and expectations are felt to be correct in the family. Promiscuity is more accepted in men than in women, and there may be an unusual attitude in some women who see sex in a more functional way than us complicated NTs, wanting to have the experience without the attachments.