After her arrival in Taos, Spud Johnson wrote a lively article in the New Mexico Sentinel about Mabel's extended and transformative visit to New York. Mabel's 1938 essay, Change of Life, is an expansion of ideas initially expressed in her published poem, "Change." Mabel also hoped Cosmopolitan would publish excerpts from her unfinished psychoanalytic treatise, On Human Relations, that she planned later to expand into a book. Mabel must have mailed Burton a letter, now lost, indicating she was unwilling to rewrite her manuscript in dialogue form. In her first letter to Brill since he left Taos, Mabel asks for his psychoanalytic understanding of a tragic accident in the Taos pueblo to her son's close friend, Eliseo Concha. Mabel also inquires about Brill's contact with Bennett Cerf in her ongoing effort to publish On Human Relations. Brill's response to Mabel cautions her against counting too heavily on Harry Burton for publication.