Dark matter is a reference to the mysterious, invisible matter in the universe that astrophysicists now realise comprises much of the universe and has an enormous effect on everything that the human eye can see as well as what it cannot see. In post 9/11 world, people might consider some of the same phenomena observed in the society as large-group manifestations of a dissociated mind. The dramatic announcement of the long-awaited and doubt-that-it-would-ever-happen capture and killing of Osama bin Laden on 1 May 2011 brought forth an immediate collective sigh of relief and a sense of jubilation in the USA. Changes have been observed to occur in the society, and they are consistent with the symptoms of regression in traumatised societies that have been described by Volkan. Relational theorists have appropriated the term "dissociation" and maintain that it underlies all other defences.