The term community and the diverse ways in which it is used are particularly interesting to situate: human community; social community; cultural community, so important for civilisation; work community; and community of interest. Groups display diversity, the types of which vary as a function of their number, their morphology, their organisation. Origin of society; primal state of society; "human beings' primal social state"; the human horde dominated, without restriction, by a strong male as the primal form of human society; foundation of society. In the course of reading Freud's work, one spots terminological fluctuations, notably when it is a case of institutions, which are sometimes social, sometimes cultural, and even human. Right from the beginning, Freud defined them as essentially homosexual aim-inhibited erotic instincts that combine with ego instincts, therefore, with selfishness. From the beginning, social anxiety referred to feelings of reproach linked to sexual behaviour engaged in by the child and the fear of being reprimanded by society.