Freud was a remarkable creator of concepts, of a conceptual apparatus, of terms, but also of a linguistic code, a distinctive idiom. And, Freudian usage particularly made use of the linguistic potentialities of the German language. Translating Kulturarbeit, in fact, combines the difficulties proper to the German language and to Freudian language. The German language can, in fact, combine, put together, several words to form a single word. While in the beginning, women had "laid the foundations of civilization by the claims of their love", they later came into opposition with its development, exercising then "a retarding and restraining influence" because they represent "the interests of family and of sexual life". The specific particularities of Moses' religion therefore acted upon the Jewish people and left a lasting imprint on their character. The work of instinctual transformation–reorganisation would determine every individual's conditions of socialisation.