This chapter discusses "Analysis Terminable and Interminable" and "Constructions in Analysis,". It looks at each of them separately because they show remarkably different aspects of Sigmund Freud's views on analytic treatment. The period in which Freud wrote "Analysis Terminable and Interminable" was rich in historical and personal significance and somewhat less obscure than some other periods in Freud's life. The Wolf Man represents a case in which Freud is not completely satisfied with the results of analysis. Sandor Ferenczi was one of Freud's earliest supporters and certainly one of the most brilliant and innovative of analysts. Freud never seemed to lose sight of fundamental questions that verged on the borders of the psychobiological. Freud had discussed the importance of preoedipal issues. He had developed concepts that involved fixation points in the oedipal period for hysterics, in the anal sadistic period for obsessive-compulsives, and at various points in the narcissistic period for people with paranoid and depressive disorders.