In the 'scientific' works about dreams, which in spite of their repudiation of dream-interpretation have received a new stimulus from psychoanalysis, one repeatedly finds a very superfluous care exercised about the accurate preservation of the text of the dream. Many psychoanalysts seem not to rely consistently enough upon their knowledge of the conditions of dream-making. In the Dora case, Sigmund Freud dealt with the patient's two dreams by going over each and every aspect of the dream, and then he offered several related interpretations for each dream. He points out that a patient who has a large number of dreams, or exceedingly long ones, may be moving away from issues that are particularly important to him or her at a particular phase in the treatment. This chapter mentions a particular type of dream which, in the nature of the case, occurs only in the course of psychoanalytic treatment, and may bewilder or deceive beginners in practice.