A psychological bent of mind and gift is essential, whether inborn or acquired early is insignificant; probably it is both as usual. It must also be said that there are equally deep-going attachments outside religion in the fanatic adherence to certain convictions, including the quasi-religious adherence to any particular psychological school. The group analyst like the psychoanalyst has much to know in such disciplines as sociology, anthropology, biology, philosophy, history, politics, economic life, literature, art. We have of course to consider the special significance of a medical degree as such, a psychiatric training more particularly, and training in psychoanalysis. It is of course important if the future candidate is familiar with medical illnesses from a somatic and a psychosomatic point of view. An exception, albeit a very important one, is the psychiatric training and quite particularly an intimate personal acquaintance with psychotic patients, with the wide range of conditions which the psychiatrist meets, which is not otherwise obtainable.