One of the reasons that people might have low self-esteem is that they have often become tied up and constrained by a mass of rules, conventions, and internal scripts that essentially do not work for them. Indeed, these tend to favour others, or to discriminate against them. They need to challenge these "rules" and assert themselves just a little. Rules are usually there to be adhered to, and it often works best if everyone actually does stick to these rules or whatever. It provides a basic stability to society. The two Ds are Discrimination and Determination. People might need to discriminate between their needs and the assumed needs of others, which they might have over-estimated, or overvalued, especially if they have issues of low self-esteem. The three Ps are Patience, Persistence, and Positivism. Patience is just an understanding that some things that are worthwhile take a little time to achieve. The A is for to Appreciate oneself.