Obesity in the UK is high, and getting higher. Body weight is measured by one's body-mass index (BMI), a height-weight ratio that should be below thirty. Irrespective of any objective measures, most women think they are too fat, so losing a little weight should improve individuals' self-image and self-esteem, as well as benefiting their general health. The traditional weight-loss programmes have some benefits in that individuals are doing this with a local group, which means increased social contact, with others who have done it already, and their progress is being monitored regularly. Those people who cannot perceive, or accept, their actual weight and the fact that this may be very unhealthy for them, may have an eating disorder. The disorder is actually in their self-perception. The main type of eating disorder is bulimia nervosa, which is where the person "binges" and then purges himself or herself by vomiting, or using laxatives, enemas, diuretics, or other medications, or by over-exercising.