As soon as show how the Name-of-the-Father helps stabilize subjective identity through the fruitfulness of the unary trait—for example, in the experience of the mirror—can say that the subject is a function of the Other of the unary trait; or, in other words, the son of the dead father. The critical rereading of Lévi-Strauss' texts can begin. A new period opens up in the less complete universe that contains the Lacan will even go to the point of criticizing a naïve materialism that makes Lévi-Strauss see a "doublet" between the structures of thought, the brain, and even of the world. The staging of the world is carried out under the primacy of the laws of the signifier, which, as have seen, impose their system on the imaginary register of specular identification. This investment of the specular image is a fundamental stage of the imaginary relation, fundamental in that it has a limit.