This chapter addresses the dynamics of these four discourses—the Master’s discourse (MD), hysteric’s discourse (HD), university discourse (UD), and the Analyst’s discourse (AD). Since discourse hysterisation—based on Lacan's four discourses—is a prerequisite for starting analysis, the source of lack-of-being politics in hysteria is the analysand rather than the analyst. The cause of the social bond coincides with the subject's object a cause of desire only in the AD and the truth which it underpins is unconscious knowledge. The agent is the dominant element of the social bond. In all the other discourses, another element appears as causality: power, knowledge, lack, that is, respectively, the totalitarian One in the MD, the universitas bureaucracy in the UD and the subject's pathos in the HD. In the HD, the cause is the subject's split and suffering stemming from civilisation's discontents, and the truth is object a which represents the symptom's jouissance.