Money too plays an important role in ciphering jouissance. Money desired and demanded is a globe trotter carrying its gaping lack-of-being everywhere. Money can help fulfil a fantasy and to sidestep the enigmatic nature of the desire of the other. Some analysands harbour the fantasy that paying their analyst is like a prostitute-customer transaction. In analysis, capital transference takes place from the symptom to an object: the analyst. Instead of "being paid" for his symptom, the analysand must pay for it and transfer capital to the analyst. The fees analysts charge allows them to calculate the subject's libido in purely monetary terms. The chapter analyses capital into five functions: necessity, power, demand, desire and the all-pervading, ever-present jouissance. A society ruled by capitalistic discourse will fatally feature a lack of jouissance because mass production of countless gadgets also produces hordes of insatiable subjects wanting those same things.