J. Lacan uses the example of a bladder and a lantern: things are different but are also the same by virtue of their solitary nature. Lacan uses fire to describe the sameness that can make a bladder a lantern. Lacan uses the term foreclosure of meaning but this is a different meaning than the one used by the foreclosure of the Name of the Father which alters the relationship between signifier and signified. The outside of meaning in the case of the Real differs from the foreclosure of meaning in the example of psychosis as described by Lacan in Seminar III. Lacan says that the Real that is not cognised by the bit and that remains inconceivable or unknowable coincides with Freud's notion of the unconscious in the sense of the unknowable and with "being It" rather than "having it". Lacan says that feminine eroticism culminates in the wish to kill and castrate a man.