Artists draw on their unconscious in their work, so it is not surprising that loss frequently fuels creativity. The link between mourning and creativity has always fascinated psychoanalysts, notably George Pollock and William Niederland, as well as art and literary critics, For the critic, all that counts in a work of art is its aesthetic validity. In the artist's case the creativity has lifted the dynamic to a higher level of human expression, to the arena of beauty and truth. A few years ago, an art gallery in Washington, D. C., sponsored a group show called Memento Mori dealing with death as an inspiration for artists. The author expects that Jashinsky will go on to explore new horizons in her art. Jashinsky lost her tather in a trucking accident when she was twelve. Jashinsky, who had begun to paint in high school, was eligible for full college scholarships. She married a college classmate and embarked on a career in art.