The treatment guideline in psychoanalytic child therapy (PaCT) fits within the tradition of psychoanalytical short-term therapy, with a treatment duration of 20–25 sessions and a low treatment frequency of once-weekly appointments. The family is often so fraught with psychological distress that it is difficult to work on eliminating specific symptoms in the usual disorder-specific procedure. The concept in PaCT is intended to provide first aid for psychotherapists, particularly those in training, in the form of a treatment guideline. In families for whom short-term therapy is not enough, it has nevertheless been shown that they benefit substantially from 20–25 sessions of PaCT, which is shown in a reduction of the symptoms, even if this reduction does not achieve diagnostic remission according to the relevant definitions of diagnosis after treatment in children with a high starting level of deficit. The aim of PaCT for these families is to promote their interest and motivation for a further, long-term psychoanalytical treatment.