This chapter demonstrates how the treatment notes illuminate matters of developing technique and Klein's evolving understanding of play and the transference situation. It explores Klein's and her child patients' use of stories and fairy tales. The chapter describes the particular light they shed on fairy tales and storytelling in Klein's analyses of these young children and focuses on Grete in particular, but also on Rita and Erna. The publication of Klein's treatment notes on the cases of Grete, Rita, and Erna, especially, illustrate for the first time how extensively stories and fairy tales featured in her developing analytic work with young children. The storytelling is a new and intriguing feature, illuminating one of the ways in which Klein and her young patients "talked" to each other, at least in the early days of child analysis. Klein's approach to Grete's negative transference has been illustrated implicitly and explicitly in many of the extracts from the treatment notes.