In 1997, a survey Knowing Our Own Minds of 401 UK-wide mental health service users reported that, while only a few respondents had experienced alternative or complementary therapies, those who had found that they benefited their mental health. A 2002 survey among members of the Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain revealed a similar story, with overwhelming support for a more holistic approach to treatment and for complementary therapies to be used as well as orthodox medicine. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the Alexander Technique is an effective treatment for a wide range of conditions associated with tension or poor posture, like repetitive strain injury, back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as stress and anxiety. A clinical study with hospital patients reported that compared to ordinary massage, aromatherapy massage produced a marked lessening of pain, wakefulness, and high blood pressure. Aromatherapy treatments cost from around £35 upwards, depending on session length.