The view of history as a hermeneutic discipline has been put forward by a large number of historians: among many others, Croce, Collingwood, Cohen, Hegel, and, closer to psychoanalysis, Peter Gay. The history of the Conquest of Mexico has been of special interest to historians, and the writings on this period are very extensive. Based on the accounts written by the Conquistadores, the descendants of the Amerindians, and the missionaries, the facts concerning the conquest of the Aztecs by Hernan Cortés are fairly well known and more or less agreed on by historians. In considering the history, not only of the conquest of the Aztecs, but also of other peoples of Latin America—the Mayas, the Incas, or the Carib Tainos. Masada, the fortress built at the top of a rocky mountain of the Judean desert, was the scene of a dramatic episode in the history of the Jewish people.