Lia was one of the daughters of the Second World War. She was just seventeen years old when the Allies, after interminable days of bombardments, invaded her native Sicily and forever disrupted her life as she had known it until then, and changed the future for her, for her family, and for the generations to come. A Lia who died of pneumonia at three months of age, just as many children did. She was as beautiful as her mother. Lia was a beautiful fifteen-year-old girl, and Turi was a forty-four-year-old handsome man, looking much younger than he was, and proud of his ability to raise such a stunning daughter. Lia was good at school, and she was proud to fiercely reject the courting of many ordinary guys. She was willing to somehow accept the discreet courting of a young doctor, more than ten years older than her, just because this made her father proud.