Bodily narcissism concerns either the perception of the body or display of the body. It is the body as object of the other’s gaze insofar as the one is extrinsic to the other, just as narcissism or the feeling of the body is narcissism of the scrutiny of the other insofar as the one is intrinsic to the other. Intellectual narcissism becomes evident when intelligence takes over self-control with superabundant self-confidence despite contradiction by the facts. The opposition between masochistic and narcissistic fantasies has allowed coming to the heart of the principal aspect of this structure. The chapter briefly considers some of its partial or derived aspects before outlining its metapsychology. It examines the relation of moral narcissism to the varieties of countercathexes; to other aspects of narcissism; to the development of the libido – erotogenic zones and object relations; id, ego, and superego; and bisexuality and the death instinct.