The theoretical formulation that follows includes Jungian concepts and ideas, situating perversion within a theoretical framework that can be understood from both a Jungian and a psycho-analytic perspective. Perversion is a function of the whole psychic system, including its historical and futural aspects, replicated in microcosm or macrocosm, with the detail representing the whole, in all perverse conceptions and expressions from ideation to perverse enactment. There is intricate psychic patterning with detail and whole echoing each other in an enfolding structure. 'Conjunction memory' is a term chosen by the neuroscientists Olson, Page, Moore, Chatterjee, and Verfaellie to describe the memory of relationship between two stimuli, as distinct from the 'feature memory' of a single stimulus. Nissan describes the establishment of such memory impressions. The theme of dissociated sexuality and sexual preoccupation is found throughout West's biography. Splitting and projection may be used as positive functions, aiming towards eventual psychic change through processing, development, and reintegration.