This chapter presents the theoretical, practical, and ideological obfuscation that stems from the association of fascism with the category of perversion. It argues that the interpretation of fascism that takes perversion as the pedestal for its suggestions is, in itself, an ideological strategy. The chapter aims to secure the power of a political system of domination by isolating the pervert as a hazardous subject for the moral, political, and social edifice. It also argues that neo-Freudianism, notwithstanding its novel insights regarding the category of perversion, still operates within an oedipalizing logic, even when it takes a pre-oedipal cognomen. The chapter analyses the two thinkers do not promote the disentanglement and the de-ideologization of the notion of perversion. Their interpretations greatly rely on prefixed vocabularies that rigidify traditional conceptions rather than ratifying new psychoanalytic horizons, beyond the equivocation of perversion, as a category.