Prototypes for phantasies of getting rid of something painful include defecating, as in the many metaphorical uses of the word 'shit'; urinating, as in 'piss off', to use one of the milder expressions; breathing out, as in 'a sigh of relief'; and also many kinds of muscular movement, such as hitting out. Ultimately such trusting phantasies give the baby a strong sense of internal and external security. Such a confident baby can allow others to offer comfort, food and love – though he or she may make it clear when they do not want to lose someone or something. If the baby in phantasy steals the breast, this phantasy must then be modified by the next experience of hunger. Sometimes the phantasy develops in such a way that the child feels it has spoilt the breast by stealing it, and the hunger pains are simply a sign of the attacks the breast is making on the inside of the body.