The setting for outpatient psychoanalytic socio-therapeutic care that needed to be set up also had to offer Werner and his grandmother a way of structuring everyday life and concrete day-to-day support, for instance by providing meals. A relationship structure has to be created for clients in their tangible external social reality until the external places become internalised, contribute to complementing the psychic agencies, and can finally be symbolised. Max was referred to us with the psychiatric diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome. The inpatient and outpatient services of the Verein fur Psychoanalytische Sozialarbeit began their work with just a few adolescents suffering from severe psychiatric disorders with autistic and psychotic symptoms. The into-work project is a concept for young people starting at a very basic level to help them get accustomed to conditions in school and working life. Working with the mother proved difficult and finally the relationship was broken off.