S. Freud’s hypothesis was that dreams originated from the phantasmatic representation of a wish that was censured by the oneiric work through a masking process. Freud was the first academic who dealt with dreams and maintained that the interpretation of dreams was up to the dreamer. Dreams are a psychic phenomenon. It is a dreamer’s production and expression, which is, however, incomprehensible. Freud says that in the summer of 1895 he treated a young woman, Irma, who was a family friend of his. It is known that in the psychotherapeutic field, a friendly relationship between doctor and patient may deeply upset the process of therapy. Dreaming is a complex mental process which has an adaptive function. According to Freud, dreams and symptoms followed the primary process. J. L. Fosshage’s writings are particularly helpful and close to a transactional analysis view of the dream: the main function of dreams is to organise data.