In rock, paper, scissors game, played throughout the world, each opponent chooses a weapon and hurls its symbol at his opponent. In the playground, hand-signals are used–fist for rock, open palm for paper, fingered V for scissors. Many games, like rock, paper, scissors, involve competitive mind reading: chess and other board games, and poker and other card games. The intentional stance is the foundation of building a theory of mind, and evolution has built it into the human brain. And it was only when playing opponent one, while taking the intentional stance that a specific region of the brain lit up like a beacon–the anterior paracingulate cortex was switched on by a sudden rush of oxygen-rich blood. Inspired by the theories of C. Darwin, S. Freud, and many others, such as the famous Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget, scientists have developed increasingly sophisticated approaches for studying the mind. Psychological studies are an average of many individuals’ responses.