As Anna O., the celebrated case of hysteria in Vienna, Bertha Pappenheim became a patient in 1880, She was then aged 21, intelligent but without ever having had any romantic attachment or, according to Breuer, any sexual thoughts. It is more than a century since Anna Freud published jointly with Josef Breuer Studies on Hysteria, he concluded that "in so far as one can speak of determining causes which lead to the acquisition of neuroses, their aetiology is to be looked for in sexual factors". Freud privately divulged undisclosed details of the Breuer-Pappenheim case to Ernest Jones, who included them in his biography of Freud. Freud drew attention to the defensive function of the erotic transference. Freud wrote of the erotic transference in hysteria in his paper "Observations on Transference-Love" in his series on "technique". The chapter shows that prompted Freud's paper was his knowledge of what took place in C. G. Jung's analysis of Sabina Spielrein.