Short-term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (STPP) is rooted in psychoanalytic child psychotherapy, a well-established specialist treatment for emotional and developmental difficulties in childhood and adolescence. In the Focused Individual Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (FIPP) arms of the study, up to 30 sessions were offered to the children and adolescents, with the parents receiving up to 15 sessions, one for every two sessions with the child. The model of STPP in the manual was based on the FIPP model used by J. Trowell and colleagues, but with some adaptations reflecting the older age group of the patients with whom it was used in the Improving mood with psychoanalytic and cognitive therapies trial. E. Driessen and colleagues found in their meta-analysis of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for adults with depression that there were no differences in effectiveness based on age group, different levels of severity of depression, or gender.