This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book outlines the art and science behind the technique. It focuses on trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy and eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy (EMDR) and sensorimotor psychotherapy. The book explains that sensorimotor trauma memory could be accessed as easily as his episodic and semantic memories and would lead to more effective psychotherapy when combined with the other techniques. The basic premise underpinning the mechanism of action of bilateral affective reprocessing of thoughts (BART) psychotherapy is that information is processed in three ways: reactively by the gut-brain; emotionally by the heart-brain; and analytically by the head-brain. The book discusses the concepts of consciousness from the perspectives of Carl Gustav Jung and Roberto Assagiolis. It shows different brainwave frequencies with the proposal that the gamma wave frequency correlates to a state of heightened perception.