Juliet Hopkins said that her mother, John Bowlby's younger sister, had been analysed by Joan Riviere and read Klein's 1932 The Psychoanalysis of Children before Hopkins was born in 1934. Her mother's "special insider knowledge" made Hopkins very curious which increased when, as an adolescent, she read the books of a female student at the Anna Freud Centre who lodged with them. Hopkins quotes Winnicott, detailing the help he provided her regarding Paddy, a three-year-old, so that he would be able to play. She expands and clarifies Winnicott's thinking on playing, its sequence and uses. Unusually, Jennifer Johns has been surrounded by and aware of psychoanalysis from an early age. Her mother was Dr. Molly Main a child psychiatrist. Johns is a revered writer, thinker, voice and a constant presence in the Group of Independent Analysts of the British Psychoanalytic Society, its Institute, and the larger psychoanalytic community.