The choice of the phallus as the symbol of the mark of the interdiction of infinite jouissance—which implies its sacrifice as an organ- is authorized by the fact that the phallus itself is negativity in its place in the specular image. The unheard of Freudian answer to the question of the Pleasure Principle, which in a way inaugurates psychoanalysis as such, is the castration complex. J. Lacan states that the castration complex is the mark, the trace of interdiction over the infinite jouissance. Jouissance, by means of its object, may be a defence with regard to the object cause of desire, as well as by manoeuvring with the lack that desire implies, the interdiction of the infinite jouissance may be concealed. Signifier of jouissance in so far as it inscribes the interdiction of infinite jouissance, and also in so far as it inscribes the lack at the signifying level, which inscribes something of jouissance.