In going from the first to the second dream, the dream symbols transform from monomorphic to polymorphic images. This transformation from an earth symbol to sky symbols accompanies the appearance of the humanized dream-ego. While all of the elements of the first dream are the same, the dreamer's are more worthy of respect. Herald dreams were selected from six consecutive patients in the author practice, in order to represent an unbiased sample, and from a single case of group supervision. Although the issues raised by these dreams may be small in comparison to Joseph's and the Israelites, their herald dreams did play a critical role in how their neurotic conflicts were construed and treated. When more than one dream is reported from a single night, the dreams are invariably related. When parenting has been seriously deficient due to early loss, depression, disease, or parental self-absorption, the parental archetypes tend to appear in dreams in non-human or theriomorphic form.