In this chapter, the author discusses three dreams which center around an object that come under the scrutiny of him dreaming self. The quality of the object as object evoked the fine line implicit in the distinction. D. W. Winnicott's transitional object is at play, an iteration of S. Freud's lost object refound. Depth is continuous with surface, and as Freud shows, what is most strange is what is revealed to be closest to home. While this may be a given for Lacanians even for most critical theorists or philosophers who begin with reading Hegel in the negative, it does not seem to be the route traveled by the psychoanalysts. In the dream of the memorial the said nothingness is tied too closely to the void created by the fallen towers. Destruction of what is provides for the impending birth of a new era. The trumpets were this apocalyptic comingling of life and death.