The important thing in the psycho-analytic training is the personal analysis of the candidate. The psycho-analytic training is given after selection, and selection procedure is taken very seriously. The general psychiatrist or the paediatrician needs additional training of the kind provided by Psycho-Analysis and Analytical Psychology. Some institutions which go further and train in child psychiatry, for example the Tavistock Clinic, more or less insist on a psycho-analytic training; at others it is quite common, and Miss Anna Freud’s Hampstead Clinic, where lay psychotherapists can receive training, is of course orientated to psycho-analysis. Child psychiatry is a speciality on its own account, whereas general psychiatry is concerned with degenerative processes and with neurological phenomena that are not important in the average child psychiatry department. Child psychiatry is concerned with the emotional development of the individual child and with the interferences with maturational processes that come from the environment and from conflict within the child.