This chapter focuses on the core of the process: the conceptions of the notions “matter–mind”, because this is the true, essential achievement of the mutation of consciousness. It is the germ—like the seed of an oak—out of which a strong, all embracing, comprehensive culture can grow, a culture that is equivalent to the occidental culture which has declined. The outcome of the mutation of consciousness necessarily entailed the loss of traditional security. To achieve the step of mutation, it is not sufficient to adopt information about the mutation’s course merely intellectually. As the mutation of European consciousness happened in two steps, there will also be two adaptive radiations. The first has occurred: the results of empirical research and the positivistic approach—and partly also the positivistic worldview—have spread all over the world. This second radiation will be urgently needed, because the first has caused a great deal of misery in Europe as well as in other continents.