Sigmund Freud introduces the case of Emma in the Project in 1895. In it he conceives of unconscious thought functioning as a continuously repeated attempt to overcome the original lack of being, affect of the loss of fusional pleasure with the mother. Through an unconscious identification with a partial trait evoking the first parental objects, the subject, unconsciously produces dreams, symptoms and phantasy. Freud points out a new causality he calls retroactive. Because of the language transmission from the mother to the child and the correlative constitution of the subject, it is in a continuous retroactive way that the subjective constitution of language ceaselessly produces meaning. The concept of fundamental phantasy is used instead. The development of psychoanalytic theory shows that only the fusion of the subject in the thing creates a neurosis, under the guise of a phantasy and of the defence which opposes it, at the level of narcissistic identifications.