Sigmund Freud united two fundamental theories. The first theory lays down the functioning of the subjective structure as continual partitioning of thoughts between two places, conscious and unconscious. The second theory addresses psychical functioning less than its structure, which Freud conceives as a topological separation between the Ego and the Id, in New Introductory Lectures of Psycho-Analysis. The subject inherent in this structure is continually divided between a substructure of imaginary and symbolic identifications, and a phantasy object. In neurosis, this division shows as conflict. Indeed the subject is conditioned by the state of division between imaginary and symbolic identifications, and what Freud calls the Ego, which is partially conscious, and the Id, which is a phantasy of object. The subject is more or less marked by accepting lack, which depends on the state of narcissism that is inherent in the unconscious Ego. The subject communicates the state of unconscious Ego in conscious speech.