Dawn's childhood was remembered as one where she liked to be by herself, in her own little world. The first year focused on three themes: exploring the vicissitudes and the meaning of Dawn's intense relationship with Marcus, discovering her role in exacerbating the conflict between her parents, and understanding the root causes of her depression. She selected the pseudonym Dawn because, It was the name her Mother wanted to give her, but she was overruled by my Father. Treatment began with three focal themes: to improve the relationship between Mesia and Grandmother, to mourn the loss of Mother, to understand the impact of this loss on Mesia's functioning, and to support the taking of psychotropic medication. Grandmother knew this friend of her daughter's and eventually communicated with her and established some measure of agreement that Mesia needed this relationship and did not oppose it. Mesia saw Grandmother as insulting, unreasonably strict, and abusive.