Human relationships and the development that makes them possible both require adequate emotional interaction. This means that both, or all, parties involved must be willing and able to express and receive emotional experience. One basic requirement of the process is that the child must draw attention to himself and what is needed. The term exhibitionism is most commonly used in a restricted way to describe the compulsion to expose oneself sexually in public. The popular perception is that this usually takes the form of a man exposing his genitals to women or children. Sexual exhibitionism in women is probably much more common than is realised, partly because men are less likely to launch a complaint. The masochist, like the exhibitionist, wants to exert control over those around him/her instead of interacting with, and relating to, them. Exhibitionism, too, like sadomasochism, tends to stem from stuck, early infantile stages of development, which can then be disguised as legitimate adult activities.