Envy, greed, and jealousy have three components: perception—an awareness of something provoking an intolerable feeling; feeling—intense displeasure and vexation; and action—forceful, attacking, annihilating behaviour. These are the source of life, the breast; the source of feminine energies, the womb; and the source of masculine energies, the phallus. From the infant’s point of view there exists, side by side with the “good breast”, a bad one which takes away goodness and revels in pain. Both infants and children may protect themselves from overwhelming experiences in similar ways, by denying or denigrating their desires in order to diminish excitement. The greedy mouth sucks, tears, scoops out, and drains dry everything of value located in or attributed to the breast, including the breast itself. The greedy person is terrified of a lack or loss of sustenance such as, in an infant, milk, or in an adult, money.