ISTJs prefer Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging. They are particularly adept at processing and analyzing large databases. Their writing often reflects a proclivity to understand the world through statistics. ISTJs are reliable people who feel that one should work hard at the important things in life. ISTJs might become so immersed in their data that many readers, especially Intuitives, will have trouble isolating and understanding their central point. ISTJs often begin their writing with statistics, and the rest of their text may present more of the same. They generally prefer to write factual material over fiction. Student ISTJs tend to do best when they have teachers who give explicit, detailed, and clear directions. The writing process of ISTPs generally begins and ends in isolation. ESTPs prefer Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving. ESTPs are especially good at writing shorter pieces about facts in a set structure, say a news story using the journalistic inverted pyramid format.